Danton Távora
From Brazil, Danton is bachelor in Business and Photography. After a long corporate carreer in financial market, since 2019 he is partner in Bravo! Fotografia and Lanton Consulting. He will share his experience as photographer, entrepreneur and business advisor for creatives to talk about how Photography could help us to combat stress, maintain our mindfulness and conect ourselves with the real world in a creative way.
Nicole Dufournel
From Chile, Nicole is an Integrative Mental Health Therapist. She holds a Master's degree in Art Therapy from Universidad del Desarrollo, a degree in Occupational Therapy from Universidad Austral de Chile, and is a certified Kundalini Yoga Instructor by the KRI, Kundalini Research Institute. Her training has equipped her to create and facilitate therapeutic spaces centered around individuals, integrating arts, contemplative techniques, and evidence-based medicine. Her aim is to promote mental, somatic, and emotional development and well-being in adults and youth. She is happy to open a safe space for self-expression, mindfulness, and achieving a flow state during this creative journey.
Learn how to use Photography as a creative meditation tool to combat stress, improve mindfulness, and develop creativity!
"We see the world, not as it is, but as we are."
"When we immerse ourselves in the act of capturing moments through the lens, we enter a state of mindfulness. Each click becomes a deliberate pause, an opportunity to observe and appreciate the world around us. The camera becomes an extension of our senses, drawing us into the present moment. Photography is a walking meditation — a way to connect with the world, one click at a time."
Limited sits! Only 10 people!
Date: April 04, 2024 - 5 p.m. to 9 p.m
What is included in the workshop?
Lots of objective and quality photography tips
The workshop is not for photographers but for anyone who is interested in photography and wants to use it as a form of creative expression and a tool to combat day-to-day stress, improve mindfulness and mental health stability.
Any camera can be used to participate in the workshop, from smartphones to professional cameras. Bring the equipment you're most comfortable with.
You will receive two e-books: one on photographic composition tips and techniques and the other with a list of practical exercises to train and develop your creativity through photography.
Art therapy immersion
You will learn concepts of mindfulness, flow state and will do exercises of self-knowledge and self-expression.
Hands-on exercices
You'll be able to test the concepts learned in the workshop and train your creativity through a list of fun exercises.
Mindfulness and mental health pratical exercices
You will receive pratical tips to reach mindfulness and flow state.
Affordable investment value
The workshop has a very affordable investment value and will give you great autonomy and security to use photography as a powerful tool to gain mindfulness, develop flow state, combat stress and improve mental health.
The content of the workshop was designed to be practical and objective.
The content of the workshop will be as follows:
1. Identifying the Issues of Contemporary Society for our Mental Health
2. Mental Health and Distress management
3. Life Balance, Meaningful activities and Flow state for Mental Health
4. What is Mindfulness and how affects our mental and emotional well being
5. Mindfulness in the photography process, how it affects our artistic and creative performance?
6. Photography as a Therapeutic activity and Source for Wellness
7. The superpower of Photography: a creative/”active'' meditation
In the second part of the workshop, you further exercise what your creativity through the Roadmap exercises for 52 weeks of Photography, with ideas and suggestions for you to unlock creativity and practice photography. In addition, you will receive a Tips Card for mindful photography with:
• Themes to explore
• Examples
• Reading suggestions (books that we really love!)
• Exercices
Discover the superpower of Photography
Reframe yourself!
A calm mind, looks at life with clarity and focus.
Event address
Rota do Chá · Tea House
Located in Rua Miguel Bombarda 457, in the neighborhood hub of art galleries, Rota do Chá is the most zen tea house in Porto, with a private garden and ecletic interior design. A quiet space full of light an peace, perfect for moments of tranquility and good vibes.
Discounted price until May 24!!
The investment value of the workshop will be € 40,00 via deposit account or PayPal until Mai 24. After this date, if there are any remaining sits, they will be increased to the normal sale price of € 45,00.
Guarantee your sit today at a discount!